Travel Guard "World's Unluckiest Traveler" Promotion
Official Rules and Regulations



  1. PROMOTION PERIOD: The Travel Guard "World's Unluckiest Traveler" Promotion (the "Promotion") starts September 3, 2024 at 9:00AM Central Daylight Time ("CDT") and ends November 7, 2024 at 11:59:59 PM CDT (the "Promotion Period").

  2. PROMOTION OVERVIEW: The Promotion consists of a Video/Photo Contest (the "Contest") component and a Voter Sweepstakes (the "Sweepstakes") Component. For the Contest, entrants are asked to submit to (the "Website") either a video or one (1) photo, along with a brief accompanying story for public voting and the chance to win a Grand Prize or Runner-Up prize. For details on how to enter the Contest, see Rule 4 below. The Sweepstakes will be open to all individuals who vote for the Contest entries for the chance to win a Sweepstakes prize and/or a Grand Prize. For details on how to enter the Sweepstakes, see Rule 8 below.

  3. ELIGIBILITY: The Promotion is open to legal residents of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia (U.S.) who are 21 years of age or older at the time of entry, and residents of Canada (excluding Quebec) who are 19 years of age or older at the time of entry. Employees, directors and officers of Travel Guard (as defined below) (the "Sponsor"), its parent, affiliates, subsidiaries, sales representatives, distributors, retailers, advertising/promotional agencies and the immediate families (spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparent, and spouse and "step" of each) and household members (those persons whether related or not who live in the same residence for at least three months during the twelve-month period preceding the start date of the Promotion) of each (collectively, "Promotion Parties") are not eligible to enter the Promotion. The promotion is not available where prohibited by applicable law. The Promotion is subject to applicable federal, state, provincial, territorial and local laws and regulations. By submitting an entry or by voting for an entry, you hereby agree to be bound by these Official Rules and Regulations.

  4. HOW TO ENTER THE CONTEST: Beginning September 3, 2024 at 9:00AM CDT and ending October 15, 2024 at 11:59:59 PM CDT (the "Contest Submission Period"), go to and submit either a video ("Video") or one (1) photo ("Photo") along with a title and accompanying story describing your submission ("Story") about your worst travel calamity, along with your full name, email address, phone number, date of birth, country and state/province of residence ("Contest Entry"). The Contest consists of one (1) grand prize contest (the "Grand Prize Contest") and two (2) runner-up prize contests (the "Runner-Up Prize Contest"). Contest Entries must be submitted by the Submission Period End Date, as set forth in Schedule A below, for the respective Contest in order to be eligible. Only Finalists (as defined in Section 6) are eligible for the Grand Prize Contest. Contest Entries submitted after 11:59:59 p.m. CDT October 15, 2024 are not valid and will not be entered into the Contest. All Contest Entries become the property of the Sponsor and will not be returned. There is a limit of one (1) Contest Entry per person / email address for the Contest. Contest Entries that do not include the required information or do not, in Sponsor's sole discretion, conform to the guidelines and requirements as stated herein will not be eligible and will be disqualified without notice.

  5. CONTEST ENTRY SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: By submitting a Contest Entry or other content created by you, you hereby warrant and represent that your Contest Entry conforms to the requirements as set forth herein. Contest Entries must be your original work; may not have won previous awards; may not have been published previously by any other entity, including in any other creative work or on the internet; must not infringe third-party rights; and must be suitable for publication as described below. By submitting a Contest Entry, you represent and warrant that your Contest Entry accurately and truly reflects your personal experience and is based on real life events. You further acknowledge that in the event any information in the Contest Entry or any of your information is discovered to be false, you may be disqualified and any prize may be forfeited, in Sponsor's sole discretion.

    Stories must be typed in English and be at least one hundred (100) characters, but no more than three thousand (3,000) characters in length. Videos, if submitted, must be in one of the following formats: Windows Media Video (.WMV), .3GP (cell phones), .3G2 (cell phones), AVI (windows), .MOV (mac), or .MPEG. Video file size cannot exceed 1GB. Photos, if submitted, must be in one of the following formats: .jpg, .jpeg, or .png with the file size not exceeding 20MB. Contest Entries must be suitable for publication, and therefore cannot: (a) be sexually explicit or suggestive, unnecessarily violent or derogatory of any ethnic, racial, gender, religious, professional or age group, profane or pornographic, or contain nudity; (b) promote alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, firearms/weapons (or the use of any of the foregoing), any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous, or any particular political agenda or message; (c) be obscene or offensive, endorse any form of hate or hate group; (d) defame, misrepresent or contain disparaging remarks about the Sponsor or its products, or other people, products or companies; (e) contain trademarks, logos or trade dress owned by others, or advertise or promote any brand or product of any kind, without permission, or contain any personal identification, such as license plate numbers, personal names, e-mail addresses or street addresses; (f) contain copyrighted materials owned by others (including photographs, sculptures, paintings and other works of art or images published on or in websites, television, movies or other media or musical "samples" other than the musical tracks provided) without permission; (g) contain materials embodying the names, likenesses, photographs, or other indicia identifying any person, living or dead, other than you, without permission from the third-party or a parent or legal guardian if the third-party is a minor; (h) communicate messages or images inconsistent with the positive images and/or goodwill to which the Sponsor wishes to associate; or (i) depict, or itself, be in violation of any law.

    CONTEST ENTRIES POSTED TO THE WEBSITE ARE NOT EDITED BY THE SPONSOR OR ANY OF ITS SUBSIDIARIES OR AFFILIATES, AND REPRESENT THE VIEWS AND OPINIONS OF THE INDIVIDUAL ENTRANT ONLY, NOT SPONSOR. CONTEST ENTRIES POSTED TO THE WEBSITE DO NOT REFLECT THE VIEWS OR OPINIONS OF THE SPONSOR OR ANY OF ITS SUBSIDIARIES OR AFFILIATES IN ANY MANNER. The Sponsor reserves the right to monitor/screen Contest Entries prior to posting them to the Website. By submitting a Contest Entry, you acknowledge that the Sponsor has no obligation to use or post any Contest Entry you make. Any waiver of any obligation hereunder by the Sponsor does not constitute a general waiver of any obligation to entrants. The Sponsor reserves the right to waive the Contest entry requirements set forth herein in its reasonable discretion. The Sponsor reserves the right, in its reasonable discretion, during or upon completion of the Contest Submission Period, to request that any entrant resubmit his or her Contest Entry which fails to comply with the Contest entry requirements prior to any Voting Period. If you think that any Contest Entry infringes your intellectual property rights, click here if you wish to report it

  6. VOTING PERIOD / SELECTION OF CONTEST WINNERS:Eligible Contest Entries received during the applicable Contest Submission Period will be available on the Website for voting by the public based on the following equally weighted criteria: 1) originality; 2) appropriateness to theme; and 3) creativity (the "Judging Criteria"). Contest Entries will be posted for public voting, based on the Judging Criteria while adhering to the Contest Entry Submission Guidelines (as defined in item 5 above), beginning October 16, 2024 at 9:00 AM CDT and ending November 7, 2024 at 11:59:59 PM CDT (the "Voting Period"). The entrant whose Contest Entry receives the highest total number of Votes (as defined in item 8 below) during the Voting Period will be deemed the Grand Prize Contest Winner, subject to the verification and the eligibility requirements set forth herein. The entrants whose Contest Entries receives the second, third and fourth highest total number of Votes during the Voting Period will be deemed the Runner-Up Prize Winners, as described in Section 7, below, subject to verification and the eligibility requirements set forth herein. In the event of a tie for any prize, the tied Contest Entries will be selected randomly for one winner.

  7. CONTEST PRIZES: Three (3) Runner-Up Contest Prizes: One (1) Runner-Up Prize Contest winner with the second highest votes will receive five thousand dollars ($5,000 USD/$6,872.27 CDN) cash prize. One (1) Runner-Up Prize Contest winner with the third highest votes will receive three thousand dollars ($3,000 USD/$4,123.36 CDN). One (1) Runner-Up Prize Contest winner with the fourth highest votes will receive luggage. Approximate Retail Value ("ARV"): $1,500 USD/ $2061.68 CDN. Limit one (1) Prize per person/email address. Contest Grand Prize (1): The Contest Grand Prize winner will receive a ten thousand dollars ($10,000 USD/$13,744.55 CDN) cash prize. Total ARV of all Contest Prizes: $19,500 USD/$26,801.87 CDN.

  8. HOW TO VOTE AND ENTER THE SWEEPSTAKES: During the Voting Period for the Contest as set forth in Schedule A below, go to, and submit your vote for one of the eligible Contest Entries and enter your email address ("Vote"). You will receive one (1) entry into the Sweepstakes (each Vote, a "Sweepstakes Entry") for the Contest for your Vote. Limit one (1) Vote/Sweepstakes Entry per person/email address per day; any additional Votes that day will be discarded and not recognized as a Sweepstakes Entry. You may Vote multiple times during the Voting Period for the same Contest Entry or for different Contest Entries. You may invite friends to Vote for a Contest Entry by sharing it to your Twitter Feed or Facebook News Feed or copying a direct link to the Contest Entry and sharing it separately. Contest entrants will not receive any additional Contest Entries for sharing it. Any attempt by you and/or your family/friends to Vote more than the number of times authorized herein using multiple names or email addresses and/or any other fraudulent mechanism, as determined by the Sponsor in its sole discretion, shall give the Sponsor the right to disqualify the Contest Entry and all relevant Sweepstakes Entries.

  9. SWEEPSTAKES WINNER SELECTION: One (1) Sweepstakes winner will be selected at the end of the Voting Period (as defined in Schedule A below) in a random drawing from among all eligible Votes received during the Voting Period beginning October 16, 2024 at 9:00 AM CDT and ending November 7, 2024 at 11:59:59 PM CDT. The drawing will be performed by an independent organization, whose decisions are final and binding in all matters relating to the Sweepstakes. Odds of winning a Sweepstakes Prize depends on the number of Votes received during the Voting Period.

  10. SWEEPSTAKES PRIZES: One (1) Sweepstakes Prize: One (1) Sweepstakes winner will receive one (1) GoPro action camera and kit (the "Sweepstakes Prize"). Total ARV of Sweepstakes Prize: $450.00 USD/$618.50 CDN. Limit one (1) Sweepstakes Prize per person/email address.

  11. PRIZE CONDITIONS: LIMIT ONE (1) PRIZE PER PERSON/HOUSEHOLD. Total ARV of both Sweepstakes and Contest prizes is $19,950.00 USD/$27,420.38CDN. ARV is determined as of date of printing of these Official Rules and Regulations. The difference in value of prizes as stated herein and value at time of prize notification, if any, will not be awarded. The cash prize will be mailed as a check made out to the winner. Prizes are non-transferable and no substitutions or cash redemptions will be made. If a prize, or any portion thereof, cannot be awarded for any reason, the Sponsor reserves the right to substitute that prize with another prize of equal or greater value. Unclaimed prizes will not be awarded. All taxes on prizes are the sole responsibility of the winners. Canadian residents may be subject to withholding taxes and Canadian residents are responsible for the reporting and payment of any income tax. Winners acknowledge that the Released Parties (as defined below) have not made nor are in any manner responsible or liable for any warranty, representation, or guarantee, express or implied, in fact or in law, relative to any prize, including but not limited to its quality, mechanical condition or fitness for a particular purpose. Any and all warranties and/or guarantees on a prize (if any) are subject to the respective manufacturers' terms therefor, and winners agree to look solely to such manufacturers for any such warranties and/or guarantees.

  12. WINNER NOTIFICATION: The potential winners will be contacted by email, and/or phone, on or about ten (10) days after the end of the Voting Period. The Sponsor is not responsible for any changes in entrants' email, mailing address and/or telephone number. Potential winners will be required to execute and return an Affidavit of Eligibility and a Liability/Publicity Release, within fourteen (14) days from the date of prize notification. If a prize notification letter or any prize is returned as undeliverable, or the potential winner is disqualified for any reason or fails to execute and return the required documents within the specified time period, the prize will be forfeited. Upon notification, if a Canadian resident is a Contest Grand Prize Winner, a Runner-Up Prize contest winner or a Sweepstakes Winner, the selected entrant must, unaided, correctly answer a time-limited mathematical skill-testing question. In the event that the selected entrant is unable to correctly answer the skill-testing question, the Sponsor shall have the right to randomly draw another eligible entrant, and the Sponsor shall be fully and completely released and discharged from any liability or responsibility in this regard.

  13. OWNERSHIP/USE OF CONTEST ENTRY: BY SUBMITTING A CONTEST ENTRY, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOUR CONTEST ENTRY MAY BE POSTED ON THE WEBSITE, IN THE SPONSOR'S DISCRETION. By submitting a Contest Entry, you hereby agree to grant the Sponsor and its agents an unlimited, worldwide, perpetual, license and right to publish, use, publicly perform the Contest Entry in any way, in any and all media, without limitation, and without any consideration to you. Contest Entrants further grant the Sponsor and its agents the right to use the Contest Entrant's name in connection with his or her Contest Entry for advertising, marketing or promotional purposes in connection with this Promotion. You warrant and represent that your Contest Entry: (a) is your original work; (b) has not been previously published; (c) has not won previous awards; (d) does not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity or other intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity; (e) that you have obtained permission from a person who's name, likeness or voice is used in the Contest Entry; and (f) and that publication of the Contest Entry via various media including Web posting, will not infringe on the rights any third party rights. You further agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless, the Sponsor from any claims to the contrary. By accepting a Contest prize, you agree that your Contest Entry will be deemed a Work Made For Hire under the Copyright laws of the United States, but if it cannot be so deemed, then you agree to irrevocably assign and transfer to the Sponsor all of your right, title and interest in and to your Contest Entry, including all but not limited to all copyright and trademark rights which you may have, in the United States and worldwide, therein, for consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged. You hereby waive in favor of the Sponsor, all rights of "Droit Moral" or "Moral Rights of Authors" or any similar rights or principles of law that you may now or later have to your Contest Entry. The Sponsor reserves the right to alter, change or modify the Contest Entry, in its sole discretion. Upon request of the Sponsor, you shall execute and deliver such additional instrument of assignment, as may be solely deemed by the Sponsor, reasonably necessary to establish the ownership of record of the right, title and interest in and to the Contest Entry and of the copyrights transferred and "Moral Rights of Authors" waived under these Official Rules. Should the Sponsor fail to request the said assignment as stated, that shall not be deemed a waiver of the Sponsor's rights and Sponsor may at a later time request the assignment. Further, if applicable, the Sponsor may request, that you secure from any model(s) or videographer an irrevocable assignment and transfer to the Sponsor all of any model(s) or videographer's right, title and interest in and to your Contest Entry, including all but not limited to all copyright and trademark rights which he or she may have, in the United States and worldwide, therein, for consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged. The model(s) or videographer may be required to waive in favor of the Sponsor, all rights of "Droit Moral" or "Moral Rights of Authors" or any similar rights or principles of law that the model(s) or videographer may now or later have in the Contest Entry. Should the Sponsor fail to request the said model(s) assignment or videographer assignment as stated, that shall not be deemed a waiver of the Sponsor's rights and the Sponsor may at a later time request the assignment(s). By submitting a Contest Entry, you further agree that your Contest Entry is gratuitous and made without restriction, and will not place the Sponsor under any obligation that the Sponsor is free to disclose or otherwise disclose the ideas contained in the Contest Entry on a non-confidential basis to anyone or otherwise use the ideas without any additional compensation to you. You acknowledge that, by acceptance of your Contest Entry, the Sponsor does not waive any rights to use similar or related ideas previously known to the Sponsor, or developed by its employees, or obtained from sources other than you.

  14. RELEASE OF LIABILITY: By participating in the Promotion, you agree: (i) to be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of the Sponsor, which are final and binding in all respects; (ii) to release and hold harmless the Sponsor, its parent, subsidiaries, and affiliates and all of their respective officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives and advertising/promotional agents (collectively, "Released Parties") from any liability, loss, damage, claims or expenses, personal injury, death or property damage arising out of the Promotion, or the receipt, possession, or use or misuse of any prize, including any related travel, the use of your Contest Entry, if applicable, in any manner by Released Parties or any information displayed on any website in connection with this Promotion and any claims based upon the right of publicity or invasion of privacy; (iii) under no circumstances will you be permitted to obtain awards for, and participant hereby waives all rights to claim, punitive, incidental, consequential, or any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses; (iv) all causes of action arising out of or connected with this contest, or any prize awarded, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action; and (v) any and all claims, judgments, and award shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, excluding attorneys' fees and court costs. By accepting a prize, you agree, and agree to confirm in writing (if requested), that the Sponsor and its designees shall have the right to use your name, entry, likeness, voice, statements and biographical information, in connection with this Promotion (including, without limitation, if you are a winner, use of your Entry in marketing and advertising materials), and the advertising, marketing and promotion thereof, without additional compensation, notification or permission, except where prohibited by law.

  15. GENERAL CONDITIONS: Online entrants must have a valid e-mail address. Should multiple users of the same e-mail account enter the Promotion and a dispute thereafter arise regarding the identity of the entrant, the authorized account holder of said e-mail account at the time of entry will be considered the entrant. "Authorized account holder" is defined as the natural person who is assigned an e-mail address by an Internet access provider, on-line service provider or other organization which is responsible for assigning e-mail addresses or the domain associated with the submitted e-mail address. Please see the privacy policy located at (US)/ (Canada) for details of the Sponsor's policy regarding the use of personal information collected in connection with this Promotion. Automated entries are prohibited, and any use of automated devices will cause disqualification. The submission of any Contest materials to the Sponsor is solely your responsibility. You assume all risk of loss, damage, destruction, delay and misdirection of materials. The Sponsor is not responsible for incomplete, illegible, misdirected, damaged, or lost entries. Released Parties are not responsible for errors of any kind which may occur in connection with the administration of the Promotion, the processing of any Contest or Sweepstakes entries, incorrect or inaccurate entry information whether caused by Internet users or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Promotion or by any technical or human error which may occur in the processing of the entries. With respect to computer entries, the Sponsor is not responsible for computer system, phone line, hardware, software or program malfunctions, or other errors, failures or delays in computer transmissions or network connections that are human or technical in nature. The Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion to terminate, modify, cancel or suspend this Promotion (or any portion thereof), should fraud, or any errors, or other causes beyond the control of the Sponsor corrupt the administration, security or proper conduct of the Promotion. In the event of cancellation of the Sweepstakes, the Sponsor will randomly award the prizes from among all eligible, non-suspect entries received prior to cancellation, subject to the requirements that Canadian residents correctly answer a mathematical skill-testing question. The Sponsor reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual (and all of his or her entries) who tampers with the entry process. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules and Regulations, or the rights and obligations of participant and the Sponsor in connection with the Promotion, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the substantive laws of the State of Texas without regard to conflicts of law principles. All U.S. residents consent to the jurisdiction and venue of Harris County, Texas. With respect to Canadian residents, all issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these rules, or the rights and obligations of participant and Sponsor in connection with the Promotion, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the substantive laws of Canada.

  16. WINNERS LIST REQUEST: For the names of the Promotion winners, send a handwritten, self-addressed postage stamped envelope to: Travel Guard, 2929 Allen Parkway, 14th Floor, Houston, TX 77019 after November 21, 2024, to be received by November 30, 2024.

SPONSOR: Travel Guard Group, Inc. ("Travel Guard"), 3300 Business Park Drive, Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54482

Schedule A: Contest and Sweepstakes Periods:

Submission Period Start Date Submission Period End Date Voting Period Start Date Voting Period End Date
September 3, 2024 October 15, 2024 October 16, 2024 November 7, 2024